Morning meditation – 5 minutes
This exercise allows you to start your day by identifying and disidentifying from any troubling or unwanted thoughts, emotions and physical sensations you are experiencing at the beginning of the day. In identifying these elements and including them in your awareness you are then able to realise that there is more to you than these elements.
Disidentification exercise – 6 minutes
This exercise allows you to identify what thoughts, emotions and physical sensations you are experiencing at that moment, including any troubling thoughts, disturbing emotions or sensations. In identifying these elements and including them in your awareness you are then able to realise that you are more than your thoughts, emotions and body sensations; that you are an observer and a place of awareness.
‘Emotional resilience’ visualisation – 10 minutes
Use this visualisation to connect with your feelings, and as a preventative measure for keeping anxiety and depression at bay. This exercise will help you identify, acknowledge, and shift your emotions, as it focuses on what the feelings are like, as opposed to why they are there. This keeps you out of your head and encourages you to stay in your experience. This is where the healing is: not in asking the question “why is this?” but in asking, “what is this?”
‘Empathy for another’ visualisation – 11 minutes
This exercise is designed to promote empathy and give you new insights into another person. Once you get a feel for it, you may want to use it for fresh perspectives into relationships that are difficult, boring, or stale; or to reconnect with a special person from your past.
‘Release from grief’ visualisation – 17 minutes
Most of us are not aware of carrying grief around with us. This emotional baggage weighs heavily on our hearts. In this exercise we are releasing our top layer of grief and lightening that load. This grief visualisation reinforces the compassionate spiritual truth in our psyche that, while important people, places, and times may have left us, we can still keep feelings for them; feelings that are ours to keep forever, without them creating heaviness in our hearts.
‘Self-esteem – positive affirmations’ meditation – 11 minutes
This affirmations exercise is an extended meditation focusing on what is positive in your life. Most importantly it opens a way for you to forgive yourself and find a new freedom from self-blame.
‘Self-esteem’ visualisation – 13 minutes
This exercise is about self-compassion. In most cases, if we don’t have compassion for ourselves, we will be short on compassion for others. The core image involves getting to see yourself, almost literally, through someone else’s eyes – someone much kinder than you! As seeing ourselves with fresh eyes is not so easy, there are several steps used in this imagery, to gradually lead you towards this.